Monday, October 3, 2016

Growth Mindset: So You Had a Bad Day (week)

So, my past few weeks have been particularly rough, trying to juggle work, school, secondary applications, and financial aid issues. AND to make matters worse, I am now sick. But, there is hope! I have been slowly but surely making progress towards getting everything accomplished and when I was looking through our class announcements this morning, I couldn't help but feel a little better as I came across this Growth Mindset Meme:

Growth Mindset Meme by Paula Nimigean (Web Source)

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I was sailing in the same boat: juggling school and work and solving financial aid issues. I completely know how it feels. I got through the financial aid after a lot of thinking, and I know that you can get through them too. Solving financial aid issues are really, really hard, but they are solvable. Good luck!
