So, this isn't exactly a learning challenge from the Learning by HEART page, but I think it fits into the principles that Learning by HEART really tries to promote. I struggle finding time to maintain my studies and work schedule, but I am fortunate enough to constantly be surrounded by people who inspire me to put in as much effort as I can to what I do each day. While I do take time to listen to music or read something unrelated to school or work, I do occasionally utilize even my most sacred relaxing time (driving to work, which takes just under 30 minutes and ensures I do nothing but drive during that time) for something that is related to work or school. This week, I chose to listen to this TED talk on my way to work. Now, I know it may seem like overkill to utilize this time for learning, but it was less of a necessity and much more of a way to keep me engaged and excited. I absolutely love what I do, but I will admit to occasionally finding myself feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything. Sometimes I take a break, maybe work on a simpler assignment for a different class, or listen to some music in Spanish to practice my listening skills, but sometimes I choose to dive a little a deeper and confront that feeling head on by getting engaged in an interesting, and perhaps more manageable part of what I am working on. This technique REALLY helps me to stay motivated and tends to attack the problem, rather than avoid it.
Here's the link to the TED talk I listened to on my way to work. It's about neural plasticity, nature, and nurture and where the field of neuroscience is headed.
I like the tips you give on how to better engage yourself in things once you feel yourself losing focus. I will have to try some of those myself seeing as I have had a very hard time maintaining focus on my studies this semester. And it is my last semester so I kind of need to figure out how to get back on track...
I like the tips you give on how to better engage yourself in things once you feel yourself losing focus. I will have to try some of those myself seeing as I have had a very hard time maintaining focus on my studies this semester. And it is my last semester so I kind of need to figure out how to get back on track...