Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art (Part E)

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art (Vishnu)

Vishnu's Secret: Detached Engagement Brings Order
I really liked this reading because it provided a contrast between Vishnu and Shiva, whereas a lot of the other readings have focused on the differences between Shiva and Devi. This reading also explained why cows are sacred in Hindu culture and introduced Kamadhenu, the mother cow that resides with the Hindu gods and goddesses in the heavens. Vishnu was then compared to a cow that produces milk for his family and for others.

Vishnu represents a different kind of balance when contrasted with Shiva; as the maintainer, Vishnu represents a caretaker for the world and Lakshmi represents the caretaker for the man.  Both exist in harmony with each other and cannot exist without the other. Shiva, on the other hand, represents the opposition to societal constraints, which Parvati seems to represent. I think this is an interesting concept and I had not considered this contrast earlier when I watched the first few parts of this series.

Kamadhenu (Web Source)

Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Reading Guide by Devdutt Pattanaik (Web Source)

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